Belly Bloat: How to overcome it?

Sushant Kumar
3 min readJul 7, 2019


Belly bloat takes place when you consume gas forming foods. The gas gets trapped along your digestive tract usually around stomach & intestines. The gas comes from two sources: swallowed air & normal breakdown of certain foods by harmless bacteria usually present in digestive tract. For many people, this gas means feeling of fullness around front abdomen. Below are some of the practices that can help in overcoming belly bloat problem

  • Avoiding certain gas forming foods : Certain foods contain sugar & starch which are not easy to digest. Some examples of such foods are legumes such as baked beans & lentils. Some of the vegetables such as broccoli, cabbage & cauliflower can be spoil sport. Best is to either avoid such foods or consume in little quantities.
  • Watch out for dairy products & lactose intolerance: Some people are allergic to lactose & cannot digest dairy products such as milk, cottage cheese & yoghurt which forms gas in the body. If your body cannot break them, it creates belly bloating, constipation & sometimes diarrhea. Avoid having such foods if you are lactose allergic.
  • Minimize consumption of sodium: Recommended daily sodium consumption for human body is 1500 milligrams. If you consume sodium in excess, your kidney responds & holds more water in the body to keep the level of sodium in blood normal. Holding that extra water can make your belly feel inflated. Avoid/minimize consumption of foods such as chips, sauces & snack foods. Replace these with low sodium content food
  • Drink more water: Drink plenty of water since it filters out excess salt, chemicals & gas from your body & keeps your body less inflated.
  • Slow down your eating: Do not gulp your food fast since it also swallows more air thereby making your belly bloated. East slowly & chew your foods ten times or more before you swallow that actually makes you consume less air. You will end up consuming less calories & you will feel satiated sooner.
  • Stop chewing gum: Stop consumption of chewing gum since it makes your swallow more air resulting in bloated tummy. Also avoid sugar free chewing gums since it contains substances which are partially digestible.
  • Avoid carbonated drinks: Cold carbonated drinks such as cola, soda & ginger ale have lot of sugar content which forms gas in your body & makes your belly bloated. Besides, some of them does not get out with a burp. Instead prefer drinking more plain water.
  • Eliminate Alcohol from your diet: Drinking beer, Champagne & other forms of alcohol makes you consume a lot of sugar & calories. Moreover, it leads to bloating & negative digestive. Best is to remove alcohol from your diet.
  • Consume healthy foods, such as meal, eggs, lettuce, tomato, zucchini, rice, olive, avocado & fish which are less likely to form gas in your body.
  • Watch out for your sleep: Prefer eating medium to light & a low night snack during night. This leads to less digestion problems & makes you have a sound & long sleep.
  • Eat small meals at regular intervals: Eat medium to small meals at regular intervals & do not miss your meals. Missing your meal makes you cover-up for that deficiency by consuming more calories in next meal than your body requires.

Please stay tuned for next blog where I shall talk more about diet and workouts for weight loss.



Sushant Kumar
Sushant Kumar

Written by Sushant Kumar

Corporate finance professional turned Health & Fitness Entrepreneur, a fitness enthusiast, adventurer & trekking enthusiast

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