How Diet & Productivity are Interrelated
It is often said “ you are what you eat”. There is a profound relationship between food you eat(“Diet”) & work you undertake. Most of us are aware that our digestive system uses energy to do its job. You body derives energy from what you eat, how much quantity you eat & what time you eat. Eating wrong food &/or at consuming at wrong time has an adverse impact on your productivity. It is appropriate to say that “you work how your eat”. The relationship between diet & productivity goes much deeper
Surprisingly-Carb kills productivity
Carbs are necessary components of the diet & helps you generate energy in your body to take up work. In absence of carbs, body uses fat to generate energy. However carbs are not the most important component of diet. Excess intake of carb impacts & kills your productivity. It is a known fact that consumption of carbs have direct linkage with Insulin level in your body which has a negative effect on your energy reserves. Foods rich in carbs produce high level of insulin in your body which transmit sleep hormones such as serotonin and tryptophan to your brain.
Body’s glucose level impacts your willpower to undertake a task which directly effects your productivity. Glucose level is nothing but sugar level in your body. Low sugar level is associated with deficient diet which directly impacts your mood & behaviour. Glucose level provides energy for all brain activities. Hence self control is directly dependent on level of glucose in your body. Therefore, it is important to have a balanced composition of diet to maintain that energy level required to do your task.
Your food habits directly impacts your sleeping cycles. Your body has natural functioning mechanism & more you align your diet with it, the more you will be able to capitalise on the energy reserves. Avoid eating too much during evening hours since it signals your body to indulge in some work. You should target to have wholesome breakfast so that you have full energy to do tasks during the day. Avoid fatty foods when you are taking mental load.
With right diet & its consumption at right time, you can convert energy into fuel & make most out of your activities during the day