How to improve stomach acid levels?
Stomach acid plays a vital role in killing all bad microbes & optimising protein digestion in the body. When your body is not able to produce enough stomach acid, it faces the problem of digestion & overgrowth of microbes.
The normal volume of the stomach acid fluid is 20–100 mL with a pH range from 1.5–3.5. For healthy digestion, it recommended that pH range should be 1.5 to 2.2 & hence optimal level of stomach acid is necessary for improved digestion.
So what are functions of stomach acid?
- Sterilises the food: When we consume food, bacterias also enter our body( whether food was cooked or pasteurised). The stomach helps in neutralising bad bacterias we do not want in our system.
- Protein Digestion: Stomach Acid is necessary to begin the process of breaking down protein
- Activating Pepsin: Pepsin is an enzyme which is necessary for our body to metabolise protein. Stomach acid activates Pepsin from its in-active from Pepsinogen.
- Activates intrinsic factor: Stomach acid activates intrinsic factor which is glycoprotein produced in stomach used for Vitamin B12 absorption.
- Stimulates the release of biles & enzymes: Stomach acid helps to stimulate release of bile from liver & gallbladder & enzymes from pancreas.
- Closing esophageal sphincter : Stomach acid plays an important role in contraction of esophageal sphincter ( just above the stomach) to prevent soft tissues of esophagus from harsh acids of stomach
- Opens Pyloric Sphincter: Stomach acid helps to activate Pyloric Sphincter which allows food to move from stomach to small intestine.
When the body is unable to produce stomach acid, it will adversely impact digestion of protein molecules & key minerals. These partially digested protein molecules enter small intestine & create stress on Pancreas to produce adequate enzymes to metabolise protein effectively
If this occurs repeatedly over time, it will wear down pancreas enzyme storage & create stress on intestinal lining. If protein molecules are not properly metabolised, you will not be able to absorb enough amino acids which are required for proper functioning of the body. This ultimately leads to breakdown of various bodily functions. Incomplete digestion impacts irritates gut lining resulting in leaky gut syndrome. This can trigger autoimmune function in the body. Such a poor digestion also leads to bacterial overgrowth & parasitic infection.
When we digest our food poorly, it leads to inflammatory activity in our body which depletes key minerals & antioxidants throughout the body. This depletion of minerals leads to inability to form stomach acid & vicious circle of poor digestion & chronic inflammation continues.
So what actually happens when you have low stomach acid?
- It impacts your protein digestion capability as discussed above
- Food goes & sits in the stomach which is metabolised by bacteria which are able to survive due to lack of stomach acid. The result of such bacterial fermentation is gas which can cause bloating & cramping.
Signs of low stomach acid
- Gas & Belching: This usually comes within 60 minutes of consuming food
- Acid Reflux.
- Bloating & Cramping
- Chronic bad breath: This is caused by bacterial fermentation in stomach
- Bad Body Odor: Poor acid production leads to bacterial overgrowth which products stinky toxins
- Undigested food in stool: This is obviously due to undigested/partially digested protein.
- Aversion to Meat
- Feeling full but hungry
How to improve stomach acid levels in the body?
By adopting the undermentioned strategies, you can reduce the stress on your digestive system & absorb nutritions effectively
- Use liquid nutrition throughout the day: Half of your meal should be liquid state such as protein shakes or smoothies. Protein shakes are pre metabolised & easy to digest & does not depend upon stomach acid formation. In case your stomach acid is low, it is wise to have 1 to 2 protein shakes to enhance amino acid absorption & reduce stress on the digestive system.
- Use Ginger: Ginger is one of the best things for improving digestive juices. Ginger is part of a group of herbs called carminatives along with peppermint, anise, cardamom, coriander, etc. I recommend drinking 2–3 cups of ginger tea each day. You can also consume fermented ginger which is common in Asian dishes such as kimchi.
- Hydrate yourself: Hydration is really important if you have low stomach acid. Optimal hydration activates/improves bowl mobility & push contents through digestive system which will microbial fermentation in the body.
- Use Lemon or Apple cider vinegar: Squeezing fresh lemon or using lemon or apple cider vinegar on meat or veggies pre-metabolises the food. This results in better digestion & nutrient absorption.
- Eat protein at the beginning of a meal: The stomach will begin churning out stomach acid when you start eating, especially when you consume protein. A lot of prefer consuming salad before having any dish however it is always better to have protein with salad or veggies to improve stomach acid production.
- Use Fermented veggies: Fermented foods such as sauerkraut, kimchi, pickles, pickled ginger, all contain organic acids, enzymes and probiotics which help to improve digestive juice secretions.
PS: Originally published on