Requisite Skills for Finance Resume
Gone are the days when your technical & finance skills & expertise in your finance resume were sufficient to secure a dream job. Modern day finance professionals should articulate technical, finance, leadership, business, behavioral & people management skills. You should showcase your business & behavioral skills in a compelling way which provides you a level playing field in the competitive finance job market.
If you’re exploring senior finance roles, you should be able to demonstrate your strong business acumen, understanding about business model, corporate strategy & competitive position. You should be well equipped to provide insights & suggestions on how to improve bottom line through operations, business & financial restructuring. You should be able to use data & information to provide insights to various stakeholders of the business that contributed towards improvement in cost, productivity, efficiency, product/service performance & profitability. Your resume should illustrate all these initiatives & how they will further help in articulating future strategy & direction. It should also project your understanding about how department specific decisions can impact overall business.
You should think about your achievements under the following parameters while scouting for senior finance roles:
- Overall corporate strategy: How you have helped designing corporate vision, business/corporate level strategy & led its implementation through coordination with various departments & stakeholders.
- Market & regulatory requirement/compliance: How you have used your knowledge & skills to evaluate the impact of various external market, macro economic & regulatory conditions on business. This is a common question asked in interview to ascertain your expertise in evaluating the environment in which business operates.
- Business Relationships: Your resume should demonstrate your personal brand & how you have promoted your organisation. How successfully you have used your negotiation & relationship management skills to win/retail clients, negotiate better interest rates with banks &/or turned around commercial terms that has created huge financial benefits for your organisation. Potential employers would also be interested to learn about your active involvement as a keynote speaker or part of panel for an industry group.
- Process Management: It is important to showcase how you have used your skills & data driven insights to bring improvements in efficiency, productivity, cost savings &/or created additional source of revenue for the organisation
Potential employers are on look out for real examples that clearly demonstrates you carry such competencies.
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