Squats & Deadlift: The ultimate mass building machine
Squats & deadlift are considered to be one of great exercises for mass building since it involves & targets multiple muscle groups right from lower body, back muscles, arms & strengthen core. Both these exercises are extremely tough & technically & hence should be done twice a week.
The following are key considerations while doing squats & deadlifts:
- Structure your schedule
Squats are knee dominated move focussing on quads while deadlifts are hips dominated focussing your hamstrings. As such there are overlaps in muscles they work. Deadlift is part of both back & legs workout. Since is recommended to have difference of 68 to 72 hours in both exercises, both exercises should be done on same day otherwise with gap to 70 hours you will not be able to do both squats & deadlift twice a week.
2) Degree of intensity
Due to high level of intensity of both workout, it is important to do alternate heavy & light workout. In the first session do low rep for squats & high rep for deadlift & then reversing- high rep for squats & low rep for deadlift. De-loading is another option wherein you do light weight with same rep once in a month
3) Alternating reps
This is another strategy to be deployed wherein during first week you do high strength heavy weight workout with 3 to 4 sets of 5 to 6 reps each followed by light weight 3 to 4 sets of 10 to 12 reps each.
4) Advance level
Once you start building strength, you would be inclined towards increasing weight however you should consider making smaller increase in weights & reps rather than making bigger jumps. Initially do squats & deadlifts & then start adding more workouts such as leg extension, leg curl, calfs of 3 sets of 8 to 10 reps each.
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