Want to look young after you cross the age of 40? Adopt this nutrition strategy
Ageing is characterised by deterioration in maintenance of body over time leading to increased risk of disease. It has a profound impact on insulin resistance, change in body composition & physiological impact on growth hormones.
Do you know your aging & physical features are impacted by what you eat. The more healthy & nutrient dense diet you eat, the more glowing & beautiful skin you get. As you cross the age of 40, your skin & physical features starts to show up. You body’s metabolism slows down & body gets immune to diseases. So how do you take care of physical features?
Solution to this is Anti-aging foods that can help you earn back the glow
When we follow a diet of rich foods consisting of antioxidants, fiber, healthy fats, water & essential nutrients, our body begins to show its positive impact on our largest organ: Skin. It is the first internal part of our body which tells a lot about trouble. Before we resort to creams, masks & serums to bring temporary positive changes to our body, it is important to evaluate what is fueling us.
Consuming fruits & vegetables are the safest & best way to overcome dull complexion. Here are some of the best anti-aging foods you should consider if you feel your skin is losing its shine:
- Red bell pepper: These are rich in antioxidants which are really helpful to Anti-aging. Besides high content of Vitamin-C red bell pepper contains strong antioxidants called carotenoids. These are plant pigments responsible vibrant red, orange & yellow you may see in various fruits & vegetables. It has high anti-inflammatory properties which prevents skin from sun damage & pollution.
- Papaya: This super food is rich in antioxidant & contains vitamins & minerals such as Vitamin A,K,C & E, Potassium, Calcium, Magnesium, Phosphorus that helps in improving skin elasticity & eliminating dark circles & fine lines & wrinkles. Such antioxidants helps in delaying signs of aging. Papaya also contains Enzymes called Papain that provides additional anti-aging benefits by acting as one of the best anti-inflammatory agents. This may help the body shed dead cells making your skin glow
- Blueberries:These are rich in Vitamin A & C & also contains anti-aging agent known as anthocyanin. These powerful antioxidants prevents skin from sun damage, stress & pollution by minimising collagen loss.
- Broccoli: It is anti-inflammatory & anti-aging agent full of fibre, folate, Vitamin A & K & calcium. Our body need Vitamin-C to produce Collagen, the main protein in skin that gives it strength
- Spinach: It is super hydrating & rich in antioxidants that helps to oxygenate & replenish entire body. It is also rich in Vitamin A,C, E & K, Magnesium & plant based Iron. Its high Vitamin-C content enhances Collagen production which keeps skin fair & smooth. Vitamin A promotes strong & shiny hair & Vitamin K helps in reducing inflammation in cells.
- Nuts: Nuts specially Almonds are rich in Vitamin E that helps in protecting skin tissue, retain skin moisture & protects skin from UV rays. Walnuts contains Omega-3 fatty acids that protects skin cell membranes & gives skin a beautiful glow by preserving natural oil behavior.
- Avocado: Avocados has anti-inflammatory fatty acids that promotes smooth & glow skin. It also contains essential nutrients such as Vitamin A, K, C , E & Potassium that prevents negative effects of aging. High content of Vitamin A helps in shedding dead skin making skin glowing. Carotenoid content assist in controlling damage from the sun’s rays and also help to protect against skin cancers.
- Sweet Potato: It is rich in Vitamin-A promote skin cell turnover & improves skin elasticity. It is also rich in Vitamin C & E which keeps our complexion radiant.
#fitnessaspirants in age band of 40 to 60 out there! Are you loosing that #skinglow? Has your #metabolism has slowed ? Are you experiencing any changes in #insulinresistance? So what structural changes in #nutrition is required to overcome these issues? Your diet should be rich in essential #nutrients & #antioxidants. Are you looking for curated solution to get that perfect #nutrition plan that can help you get back that glowing skin? Join our fitness community at https://thesushantkumar.com/contact-sushant-kumar/
PS: Originally published on www.thesushantkumar.com