Which is better: Chicken thighs or breasts?
Poultry specifically chicken has become an ideal choice especially in the United States. There are numerous reasons for consuming chicken. Eating away from home is one of the reasons. However, most of us prefer consuming white meat over red meat due to health benefit white meat offers. Although, both forms of meat are rich in protein, the difference lies in the amount of saturated fat.
When it comes to chicken, we have a lot of options! It is sold in full or parts as chicken breasts, wings or thighs available either skinless or boneless.
So which is better? If we talk of price, chicken thighs is much economical than chicken breasts.However, taste & how it is prepared also has bearing on selection. Let’s talk more on this.
Tastier & delicious.. But is it healthier?
Lot of folks prefer dark meat over white one since it is considered to be tastier & joyful. However when it comes to health, red meat is high in saturated fat & fails badly when it comes to providing a rich nutrient dense diet.
Both chicken thighs & breasts offer same amount of lean protein. However they differ in calories, fat & saturated fat. A 3 ounce of skinless chicken breast provides 140 calories, 3 grams of fat & only 1 gram of saturated fat. On the other hand, the same amount of dark chicken meat provides 3 times the fat & saturated fat & 170 calories. Depending upon the portion size, it can really add up. An alternative to chicken thighs is dark turkey which has comparatively less calories. A 3 ounce of turkey meat offers 134 calories, 5 grams of fat & 1.5 grams of saturated fat.
It is important to study the nutrition label. Most of poultry products are injected with salt to keep it moist. Therefore, Americans end up consuming in excess of 1500–2300 mg per day of recommended sodium.
Preparation impacts the macro nutrients consumption
How poultry is prepared has a great impact on the amount of fat & saturated fat you consume. Grilled, Baked, Boiled &/or roasted are considered to be healthier option. Fried form of dish increases the amount of trans & saturated fat. Limit the consumption of fried & deep fried foods specifically when you are eating out While preparing chicken at home, a lot of folks cook it while keeping the skin & remove the skin before consuming to reduce calories & fat.
Keep it safe
Whatever form you choose of poultry you choose to prepare at home, make sure that you handle it safely. Wash & boil turkey or chicken properly before cooking. Make sure that you wash your hands with warm water & soap before & after handling poultry.
Chicken and turkey that is purchased frozen should be thawed on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. Use separate utensils, containers, and cutting boards for raw and cooked foods. All poultry should be cooked to an internal temperature of 165 degrees Fahrenheit.
PS: Originally published on www.thesushantkumar.com