You are being micro managed by your boss: What it means to you?
A control freak boss who is incapable of losing office reigns can make you doubt your decision making skills & ability to climb the corporate ladder. If you are experiencing such feelings then you are on the verge of sabotaging your career due to actions of your micromanaging manager. Look out for the following signs before your career starts to witness the downfall:
Feeling that someone is watching you
Now a days, most corporations have flexible working culture with options of working remotely/ work from home. This sort of autonomous setup comes with expectation of added accountability & time management skills. Since your manager is not physical present, such an arrangement requires in-prompto check-in & frequent activity reports. Too many unanswered emails & phone calls can drive such micromanaging bosses/supervisors crazy. Just visualize how painful it would be for any one to give details of your actions/move every hour. Some employees also report of their bosses snooping into their cubicle/workstations. You may find yourself submitted weekly hour by hour reports to your boss. No matter what you do assure your boss that financial numbers submitted are genuine, he won’t trust you.
You are clueless of what you are doing
So you have bagged a challenging project however you are petrified /full of grief rather than excitement. Rather than putting in full dedication in the project, you half attention would be focused on updating your boss of activities done every hour. You will be submerged into expectation that your boss would be getting into every minute detail of your work. You have top notch credentials & spectacular achievements to your credit but because of such boss you feel doubtful of job well done. Constructive criticism is important for your professional development however too much investigation without encouragement kills your confidence level. Insecurity & self doubt are major traits of micromanaging boss. He/She may be trying to gauge your actions/activities undertaken but is not bothered about your performance. A supervisor who continuously monitors employees is giving a message to high performers that his/her work quality is lacking. The truth is, your boss doesn’t trusts himself so he/she won’t trust you either. For ambitious folks & go-getters, this is a disaster. Matured folks does not need baby sitting.
I hate the job I used to love
You do not leave your job, you leave your boss! It is utter shame when a selfish & micromanaging boss makes a promising professionals exit from the corporation. A true leader recognizes the strengths & weaknesses of his/her team member & devises coaching method accordingly to make the best out of his/her team. However not so desirable bosses control & dictate. Culture, personality & attitude decreases employee engagement, reduce productivity & increases employee turnover. This leads to low morale & job satisfaction. When employees love what they do, it is reflected in the work environment. Manager Supervisors should empower their team members to be accountable for their duties rather than double and triple checking each work/deliverable. Appreciation & rewarding recognition is an effective way of retaining quality talent.
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- Crafting high-quality career documents (résumé and cover letter) to highlight your unique value offerings
- Creating a tailor made LinkedIn profile so as to clearly showcase a specific value, & how you solve problems better than other job candidates.
- Devising a job search strategy based on your preferred sector/geography/function.
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